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US Filtermaxx Automatic Centrifuge Controllers allow hands off operation of any centrifuge, even other brands. The centrifuge controller starts, stops, dumps sludge and also controls the heaters. We have variable speed controllers that allow our centrifuges to operate between 2,000G and 10,000G.
Our latest designs include fixed and adjustable w...
US Filtermaxx Automatic Centrifuge Controllers allow hands off operation of any centrifuge, even other brands. The centrifuge controller starts, stops, dumps sludge and also controls the heaters. We have variable speed controllers that allow our centrifuges to operate between 2,000G and 10,000G.
Our latest designs include fixed and adjustable wattage heater circuits. Choose between1500 watt and 2000 watt fixed heater circuits. Variable watt heater circuits include adjustable wattage from 1200 to 2500 watts for a single heater unit and up to 5000 watts for a dual heater unit.
All of our oil centrifuge controllers are available in 120 /240 volts single phase or 230 volts 3 phase. We also offer a univeral input controller for operation on 1 or 3 phase. If you are running an oil, WVO, or waste oil centrifuge, our controllers pay for themselves quickly by increasing your centrifuge output allowing for unattended operation 24 hours a day!
The economy variable speed programmable controller automatically cycles the centrifuge for hands-off continuous operation, and it allows you to vary the centrifuge motor speed to produce over 6000 g.
The economy programmable controller automatically cycles the centrifuge for hands-off continuous operation.
Accurately control your oil temperature with an in-line heater and more.